Benefits and Results of Farming. The benefits that can be taken from a business raising goats in addition to picking up the meat, goat skin can be retrieved result, stools can be used for fertilizer and the results of the bone is also used. Even certain types of goat milk can be taken results, the results of feathers for wool fabric.
The benefits that can be taken from Apis mellifera beekeeping venture which seeds originally imported from Australia are services for pollination (pollination) plants, many planter outside Indonesia who rent bee colonies from farmers to pollinate crops in plantations. Plantations are often renting bee colonies is the apple plantations.
Raising rabbits also has many benefits, among which the meat can be taken to supplement family nutrition, family income enhancer, rabbit skins can be sold for industrial materials, feces, and urine can be sold to be used as fertilizer as well as fuel for biogas.
Maintenance management of livestock were introduced in an effort to provide optimal benefits for the farm owners. In the maintenance management of cattle studied, among others: Selection Seed, feed, cages, Marriage System, Animal Health, Maintenance and Marketing Procedure. Good quality feed or contain enough nutrition will affect both against which to grow healthy, fat fast, with good breeding, the number of dead animals or ill will be reduced, and the number of children who were born and lived until weaned increased. In short, can determine the quality of livestock feed. Additionally according to a study, the results of fertilizer quality of beef cattle with different dairy cattle. Animals are given food quality (such as dairy cattle) will produce a good quality fertilizer, livestock food otherwise unfavorable also will produce low quality fertilizer. copefarms.
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